Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Gift That Kept on Giving

That is, if you think that an enhanced appreciation for beer is a gift in and of itself. I sure do.

This article is the strangest thing I've read in a while. Is it credible?


  1. I've heard of stuff like this. Apparently the heart has a pretty complex nervious system in it, to the point of there being an entire field of medicine of neuro-cardilogy the theory is that memory is a distributive type of thing; not located in one part of your brain, so you may actaully get pieces of the donors memories with the heart. In fact there are a lot of case of that type of thing, throuhout all types of transplants but with a very high ratio connected to heart transplants. Now this is very pseudo-science type stuff but it isn't completely out of the question considering the regularity of these type of cases.

  2. I'm often enormously confused about the whole mind-body connection. Or maybe I'm more confused about the boundaries between matter that is "me" and matter that isn't. Perhaps my soul is like a magnet affecting a bunch of pieces of metal. The objects it doesn't affect are the part of the universe that is not me. [when "the two become one flesh" this would get confusing]

  3. speaking of the wonders of beer, i have a good story: when I was sick with a fever or something, my uncle who deals with alcoholics, said I should drink. apparently he said alcoholics rarely get sick cuz the alcohol kills bacteria (though its probably not a good trade off...). anyway, i took his advice. it didnt work. but it was pretty trippin
